Keter Shem Tov Recipient Ruth Weiner Harris

Temple Beth Abraham is pleased to award this year’s Keter Shem Tov (the crown of a good name) to Ruth Weiner Harris.

Ruth has been an active member of Temple Beth Abraham for over 40 years. Ruth’s passion for helping to enhance Temple Beth Abraham has always been in the forefront. She has contributed to the community in many ways including teaching in the TBA Hebrew School for over 30 years. She is a founding member of the Raymond Street Klezmer Band, in which she plays the accordion. The band plays at Jewish smachot as well as at public events such as at the Smithsonian Folk Festival in Washington and the Lowell Folk Festival. As a member of the TBA Interior Committee, Ruth has designed many pieces of Judaic art including two series of stained-glass windows in the sanctuary one depicting the six days of creation and another representing the twelve tribes. She also designed the beautiful Shivat HaMinim carpet in the gallery. As a long-term member of the TBA Program Committee, Ruth has initiated many cultural and musical programs including speakers and concerts. Ruth is a member of the TBA Sisterhood and a past president. She was previously a volunteer contributor for the JFNH Reporter and served on the board of the New England region of Women’s League.

Ruth lives in Hollis with her husband Michael where she has been a member of Women’s Club and the local chapter of the League of Women Voters. Ruth and Michael have two sons, Baruch and Avraham and six grandchildren. Ruth was born in pre-state Israel and is a graduate of the Bezalel Academy of Art and Design in Jerusalem where she majored in graphic design.